Thursday, March 28, 2024

Creating sounds that heal

Yoko Sen uses her talents as an Ambient Electronic Musician, and her skills as a businesswoman, to liaise with companies to transform hospital sounds into soothing, healing sounds! She has YouTube videos such as this one. This is artistry for enhancing life!

Sunday, January 14, 2024


 That's only one word to describe harpist Madison Calley as a musician.

Sunday, July 16, 2023

Advice from the Queen of Rock 'n Roll

Tina Turner lived a life of phenomenal artistry, and integrity, but anyone who knows her story knows that she did not arrive at that level of living instantaneously. Listen to the Legend tell you about it.

Also, I had to add my favorite song from her Private Dancer album, I Might Have Been Queen, about reincarnations.

How Music Icon Tina Turner Found her Nirvana

Thursday, January 26, 2023

There is more magic, musical and otherwise!

I'm so moved by these two musical geniuses that I could not decide which video to post - so I posted two videos!


Stunning shoppers with ORIGINAL classical music | U.T.C.T - Karim Kamar

And more Magic

The most EPIC Interstellar Piano Duet in Public! Camden Stewart and Karim Kamar

Sunday, May 1, 2022

It's never too late to evoke the magic.

Contemporary soul violinist Damien Escobar thought his career was over, but his story didn't end there. He discovered his purpose again and realized that it's never too late to evoke the magic with music.

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Monday, November 1, 2021

Can you say, poetry in motion?

This art performance where all of the artists are in wheelchairs except the choreographer is spectacular!!!

Part of the farewell ceremony for the 2020 Tokyo Paralympic Games by French dancer, choreographer and artistic director Sadeck Berrabah alias Sadeck Waff.


Thursday, October 21, 2021

Advice from an Artist who achieved international stardom

 "A violinist had a violin, a painter his palette.

All I had was myself.

I was the instrument that I must care for."   

                                 - Josephine Baker